Episode One

Dr. Berger evaluates Gretel and sets up the initial therapeutic contract.


Episode Two

Dr. Berger works with Gretel to discover unspoken truths about patterns and cycles in her thoughts and actions, having instructed Gretel to not censor her thinking, allowing transference and distortions to emerge and reveal additional truths about herself.


Episode Three

Dr. Berger works with Gretel to develop a therapeutic alliance, developing empathy and an understanding of Gretel's world. Dr. Berger uses the tools of confrontation and clarification.


Episode Four

Dr. Berger works with Gretel in the sixth week (12th session) of psychotherapy. We look for evidence of transference, the reenactment of "an old drama" within the therapy. Dr. Berger's neutrality allows the transference to emerge.


Episode Five

We examine the issue of counter-transference, the therapist's unconscious reactions to patients, and how the therapist must examine and become conscious of these reactions and react appropriately. We learn that his does not always occur, causing complications such as being deflected from the goal of helping patients. We also learn that it is possible to get back on track.


Episode Six

Dr. Berger works with Gretel to examine dreams, using interpretive techniques of examining the "manifest content," the "latent content," the "day residue," Gretel's associations to the dreams, and examining images and "displacement" in dreams.


Episode Seven

Dr. Berger works with Gretel in session 19, after Gretel missed two sessions and is avoiding important topics. Gretel is demonstrating "resistance," using "defenses" to avoid strong-emotion conflicts. Resistance must be addressed if therapy is to progress. Again, Dr. Berger uses tools of confrontation and clarification.


Episode Eight

Gretel's wishes are now conscious to her, but she must undergo a change, "working through," carrying on what she learned in therapy and applying it to her life--outside of the therapy. Grief becomes necessary for Gretel's growth.


Episode Nine

Dr. Berger continues to work with Gretel after many months of therapy, continuing to "work through." Gretel reveals associations to a phrase she speaks in therapy, opening doors to many memories, a lifting of amnesia for important early life memories, helping her to correct distortions that have impacted her, aiding her to move forward to mourn losses.


Episode Ten

Dr. Berger and Gretel must deal with "termination" of therapy. This includes grieving the end of their work together, leading to further growth. As could be expected as therapy is ending, her symptoms resurface, but she has an enriched capacity to act as therapist for herself.